Monday 29 July 2013

Green Catching Up

It's been a busy few weeks in the Green Life. Work has mainly consisted of music festivals (WOMAD and Chagstock) with a few village fetes thrown in for good measure. The aim? Explaining how fantastic the RSPB is and why people should support it by joining as members (and you all should, via me so I get the credit!).

But with work on the go, go, go I haven't really had time to catch up on two very interesting green-ish programmes that have started recently.

The first is Kirsty Allsopp's new series Fill Your House For Free. Showing people how to collect, upcycle and rescue furniture to fill their homes for next to nothing. It's not quite free once you've bought paint and hired tools but it is very cheap! the first episode (Tuesday 8pm Chanel 4)  was very interesting with a good mix of usable ideas and wacky TV stuff. I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of the series.

The second is Monty Don's new series on Radio 4 called Shared Planet. I've only caught snippets of the programme which aims to explore the complex issues surrounding a growing human population and the pressures put on our wildlife and planet but it sounds great.

So, while I relax and recover from my festival adventures I'll be relaxing and catching up with these. Why not give them a listen/watch yourself?

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